幽灵船编年史配置要求怎么样 幽灵船编年史配置要求一览

2020-11-23 17:30:13来源:下载之家作者:down


幽灵船编年史配置要求怎么样 幽灵船编年史配置要求一览

      幽灵船编年史配置要求怎么样 幽灵船编年史配置要求一览

      操作系统: Windows 7 - 10

      处理器: i5/ i7 or similar AMD (4th gen Min)

      内存: 6 GB RAM

      显卡: GTX970 (4gb) ATi equivalent.

      DirectX 版本: 11

      存储空间: 需要 22 GB 可用空间

      附注事项: Works on lower spec machines but experience is affected. Use lowest effects settings and use low resolution and set it 25%

幽灵船编年史配置要求怎么样 幽灵船编年史配置要求一览


      操作系统: Windows 10

      处理器: i7 Haswell/Skylake or later

      内存: 8 GB RAM

      显卡: 10 Series Nvidia Card (1060,1070,1080 or 1080 TI

      DirectX 版本: 12

      存储空间: 需要 23 GB 可用空间

      附注事项: Best played with a nVidia 1060 at full HD and a 2 series card for smooth 4k. 3 Series cards! bring it on!
